Analysis and Visualization of Indexed Scientific Publications on Medicinal Plants in the Web of Science Database

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Knowledge and Information Science, University of Qom, Qom, Iran.

2 PhD student, Department of Knowledge and Information Science, University of Qom, Qom, Iran.



Objective: In recent years, there has been significant interest in medicinal plants. This study aimed to analyze the scientific output in the field of medicinal plants using Web of Science data to identify leading countries, key authors, prominent institutions, and to visualize the data.
Materials and Methods: This applied research employed scientometric techniques on 3,567 scientific records (from 1978 to September 2024) in the Web of Science database. Bibliometric and BibExcel tools were used for data analysis and visualization.
Results: Iran, with 3,107 articles, holds the highest share of scientific production in this field. Authors such as Sharifi-Rad J and Rahimi R rank at the top in terms of publication volume and citations. Pharmacology and plant sciences encompass the highest number of articles, while keywords such as medicinal plants, essential oils, and traditional medicine are most frequently observed. Recent research has focused on antioxidant properties, oxidative stress, and bioactive compounds in medicinal plants.
Conclusion: Findings suggest that medicinal plants play a significant role in the development of new drugs, with many studies exploring their effects on combating chronic diseases. Iran, leveraging abundant natural resources and substantial research investments, occupies a prominent position in this domain. It is recommended to pursue multidisciplinary studies on the genetic diversity of medicinal plants and to strengthen international collaborations for the advancement of related knowledge and technology


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