Ethnobiology is a science that deals with practical and beneficial relationships between humans and living beings and focuses on the way living things are treated or used by native people in different human cultures. It studies the dynamic relationships between people, biota, and environments. In fact, Ethnobiology is an interdisciplinary field that its theory and methods are comes from other fields of science such as anthropology, linguistics, botany, zoology, ecology or bioecology, nutrition and phytochemistry.
The Journal of Research in Ethnobiology and Conservation is an Open-Access quarterly journal that publishes by Qom University. The Journal publishes papers in the field of using plants and animals as medicine, clothing, nutrition and cultural, social, traditional medicine issues as well as the protection of native plants and animals.
Pages 1-15
Ali Zeynali Azim; Mahsa Faridi Sani; Mahsa Ebadpoor
Pages 16-38
Sepideh Amini; Maryam Keshavarzi; Mohabat Nadaf; Samaneh Mosaferi
Pages 39-49
Mehran Mojarrad Ashenaanbad; Ali Sonboli; Fereidun Mohebbi
Pages 50-66
Meysam Madadi; Hamidreza REZAEI; Alireza Mohammadi; Bagher Nezami; Maryam Shahbazi
Pages 67-78
Masoumeh Arvin; Mohsen Shahriari Moghadam; Vahid Rahdari; Saeedeh Maleki Najafabadi
Pages 79-105
Jafar Ebadollah Amoughin; Mohammadreza Nasiri; Mehdi Pazhouhan